19 de noviembre de 2022



untracked wav

Disney+ is broadcasting the Sunday show so unless you are a completist there should be something pro quality coming along soon. Otherwise sound was pretty good. As for the levels, they were really boosting the house volume in the middle of the set before bringing it down again toward the end. I bumped the levels down a notch during Pilot I think but then just left them alone after that. Show was a bit shorter but had better flow than the arena tour. Other than Cold Sweat that is. And as an encore? Would be surprised if even a handful of people not running out to be beat traffic was actually hoping to hear that one.

Had no ticket. I had a really hard time getting motivated, got a late start and of course the route my bus takes is pretty much the route half the crowd is taking so I ran the risk of still being in transit while my ticket goes in without me. And then my dearly neglected is texting me "You still need a ticket? Someone on Facebook is giving one away" so certainly glad I was able to drag myself out tonight.

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