8 de junio de 2023

(005484) Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band 2023-06-06 Bellco Theater, Denver, CO (FLAC)

Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band

Bellco Theatre

Denver, Colorado, USA

June 6, 2023

lineage: Sony ECM-717 (mic) / Sony PCM-M10 (recorder) > 24/48 > 16/44 (down sampling, limiter on some loud claps and nearby yelling using Audacity) > CD wav (track splitting) > MP3Tag (for file tagging) > FLAC (using Traders Little Helper) Level 8


Ringo Starr

Gregg Bissonette

Warren Ham

Colin Hay

Steve Lukather

Hamish Stuart

Edgar Winter

Setlist (2:11:22):

01 Matchbox

02 It Don't Come Easy

03 What Goes On

04 Free Ride

05 Roseanna

06 Pick Up The Pieces

07 Down Under

08 Boys

09 I'm The Greatest

10 Yellow Submarine

11 Cut The Cake

12 Frankenstein

13 Octopus's Garden

14 Back Off Boogaloo

15 Overkill

16 Africa

17 Work To Do

18 I Wanna Be Your Man

19 Johnny B. Goode

20 Who Can It Be Now

21 Hold The Line

22 Photograph

23 Act Naturally

24 With A Little Help From My Friends

Notes: First time I've been at this venue, so, was uncertain as to what to expect. Unusually, my wife was unable to attend, so, my neighbor joined me for this show. Bellco Theatre seats 5000 people, making this a larger venue than the nearby Paramount Theater - much to my surprise, the venue was largely filled

for Ringo's performance. We estimated attendance at 4500.

Our seats turned out to be quite far from the stage, but, fortunately, we were two rows directly behind the soundboard, so, to my ears, the sound was really

very good. I sat on the aisle, which meant that people were squeezing past to get out of the row and, the couple next to us were frequent bathroom visitors.

Other than a brief interlude at the beginning of the show, where you hear me tell them they're trying to sit in my neighbor's seat ("these are seats 401 & 402, you're 403"), there aren't any real distractions to the recording.

The performance was very enjoyable. The pleasure of seeing the All-Starrs is in the jukebox-like setlist - virtually every song is a hit. The exceptions were

Stuart's performance of "Work To Do" (the audience noticeable started for the concessions or restrooms at that point) and Winter's singing "Johnny B. Goode", which, of course, was a hit, just not his. Besides Ringo's songs (he was who I was there to see), I particularly enjoyed Colin Hay's songs (Men At Work were one of my first "favorite" bands when I was a middle schooler in the '80s) as well as Edgar Winter's songs - "Free Ride" being an especially fun in-concert song.

I've also included 62 (!) pictures that I took from our seats - as noted, we were quite far from the stage, so, they're not particularly sharp, but, they give you a sense of where we were in the venue and a look at the stage set up.

Finally: please don't sell the recording, but, otherwise, do with it what you wish. Share it and trade it, and remember: these and other greats will not be around forever, so, let's enjoy them while we have them. Best wishes to all of the fans out there and Namaste.

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