19 de agosto de 2023

(007690)The Black Crowes 2022-05-28 Bottlerock Music Festival, Napa, CA (24-bit) (FLAC)


The Black Crowes

Bottlerock Music Festival

Napa, CA


Source: Sonic Studios binaural > Sony M10

Lineage: M10 > Pro Tools (EQ, Compression, Warmth, Volume Boost) > Amadeus (tracking) > xACT > uTorrent

Location: Front of Board, approx 50 feet Right of Center

Recorded and mastered by Datmike

Released Jan 2023

24-bit and 16-bit versions are both in circulation.

Set List (missing 1 or more songs)

1) No Speak, No Slave

2 Sting Me

3) Twice as Hard

4) Stare It Cold

5) Sister Luck

6) Soul Singing

7) By Your Side

8) Wiser Time

9) Papa Was a Rollin' Stone - (The Undisputed Truth cover)

10) She Talks to Angels

11) Hard to Handle - (Otis Redding cover)

12) Jealous Again

13) Remedy...

Taper's notes: This recording turned out pretty well. I'm hanging with my wife for these shows so I can't always move to the sweet spot. We went to another stage just before the last song or two. shows Remedy as the last song but that is not the case. The bass was a little boomy (nothing like Metallica, though) so I did some EQing and compression to level things out. Recorded from VIP area so the audience is relatively quiet. It is a little mushy for the 1st song, but it clears up soon.

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