5 de octubre de 2023

(007667)) The Ramones August 18, 1981 Dreamland San Francisco, California, USA

from cassette master - decent sound quality - see notes below for more details and please check the samples to get an idea of the sound quality for yourself.

01 [0:36] tune ups, Joey talk and crowd before first song

02 [3:19] Do You Remember Rock Ôn' Roll Radio

03 [1:53] Do You Wanna Dance?

04 [2:12] Blitzkrieg Bop

05 [2:33] This Business Is Killing Me

06 [1:57] All's Quiet On the Eastern Front

07 [1:54] Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment >

08 [1:53] Rock 'N' Roll High School

09 [2:20] I Wanna Be Sedated

10 [2:45] Beat On the Brat

11 [2:30] The KKK Took My Baby Away

12 [1:21] Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue

13 [2:25] You Sound Like You're Sick

14 [1:49] Suzy Is a Headbanger >

15 [2:13] Let's Dance

16 [2:43] Here Today Gone Tomorrow >

17 [2:52] I'm Affected

18 [2:17] Chinese Rock

19 [1:48] Rockaway Beach >

20 [1:43] Teenage Lobotomy

21 [3:51] Surfin' Bird >

22 [0:54] Cretin Hop

23 [1:33] California Sun [cuts near end]

24 [1:33] Pinhead [cuts in - not much is missing]

25 [0:14] thanks and crowd before encores

26 [2:04] I've Gone Mental

27 [2:51] You're Gonna Kill That Girl

28 [2:24] Sheena Is a Punk Rocker

29 [3:07] She's a Sensation

30 [2:15] I Just Wanna Have Something To Do >

31 [1:55] We're a Happy Family

32 [2:24] Come On Now

33 [1:15] Judy Is a Punk

34 [0:15] final thanks and crowd

total: 69:38

Lineage: Dolby B encoded Maxell UDXL-I C90 > 1 channel: ElectroVoice RE10 microphone; the other channel: Sbd/audience mix from video feed for first 2 songs only > Sony TC D5M cassette master.

Transfer: Nakamichi Dragon (Dolby B decoded) > Macintosh with DigiDesign AudioMedia III sound card > Pro Tools (normalization, mix, minor "nip and tuck" edits and tracking - no equalization or digital noise reduction) > AIFF files > xACT (Flac level 8 files with sector boundaries verified). md5 file created with checkSUM+.

This is another uncirculated Ramones recording, mostly because it required so much Pro Tools post production "magic" to get its flaws smoothed out. At the beginning of the show there was one channel that was from a video feed and the other channel was a microphone. During the third song, Blitzkrieg Bop, the video was stopped by Ramones management and that channel did not work again... So - the beginning of the show is a matrix of the 2 sources and rest is mono with the good microphone channel duplicated to the empty channel. The splices and cross-fades are all fairly The Ramones

August 18, 1981


San Francisco, California, USA

from cassette master - decent sound quality - see notes below for more details and please check the samples to get an idea of the sound quality for yourself.

01 [0:36] tune ups, Joey talk and crowd before first song

02 [3:19] Do You Remember Rock Ôn' Roll Radio

03 [1:53] Do You Wanna Dance?

04 [2:12] Blitzkrieg Bop

05 [2:33] This Business Is Killing Me

06 [1:57] All's Quiet On the Eastern Front

07 [1:54] Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment >

08 [1:53] Rock 'N' Roll High School

09 [2:20] I Wanna Be Sedated

10 [2:45] Beat On the Brat

11 [2:30] The KKK Took My Baby Away

12 [1:21] Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue

13 [2:25] You Sound Like You're Sick

14 [1:49] Suzy Is a Headbanger >

15 [2:13] Let's Dance

16 [2:43] Here Today Gone Tomorrow >

17 [2:52] I'm Affected

18 [2:17] Chinese Rock

19 [1:48] Rockaway Beach >

20 [1:43] Teenage Lobotomy

21 [3:51] Surfin' Bird >

22 [0:54] Cretin Hop

23 [1:33] California Sun [cuts near end]

24 [1:33] Pinhead [cuts in - not much is missing]

25 [0:14] thanks and crowd before encores

26 [2:04] I've Gone Mental

27 [2:51] You're Gonna Kill That Girl

28 [2:24] Sheena Is a Punk Rocker

29 [3:07] She's a Sensation

30 [2:15] I Just Wanna Have Something To Do >

31 [1:55] We're a Happy Family

32 [2:24] Come On Now

33 [1:15] Judy Is a Punk

34 [0:15] final thanks and crowd

total: 69:38

Lineage: Dolby B encoded Maxell UDXL-I C90 > 1 channel: ElectroVoice RE10 microphone; the other channel: Sbd/audience mix from video feed for first 2 songs only > Sony TC D5M cassette master.

Transfer: Nakamichi Dragon (Dolby B decoded) > Macintosh with DigiDesign AudioMedia III sound card > Pro Tools (normalization, mix, minor "nip and tuck" edits and tracking - no equalization or digital noise reduction) > AIFF files > xACT (Flac level 8 files with sector boundaries verified). md5 file created with checkSUM+.

This is another uncirculated Ramones recording, mostly because it required so much Pro Tools post production "magic" to get its flaws smoothed out. At the beginning of the show there was one channel that was from a video feed and the other channel was a microphone. During the third song, Blitzkrieg Bop, the video was stopped by Ramones management and that channel did not work again... So - the beginning of the show is a matrix of the 2 sources and rest is mono with the good microphone channel duplicated to the empty channel. The splices and cross-fades are all fairly seamless though you'll hear the mix change after the transition point.

As I said above it's decent sound quality and that's especially true compared with the other Ramones recordings that I have. Since people keep asking for more uncirculated Ramones I should say that I only have about 25 Ramones recordings at the most and maybe 10 or 15 that weren't already seeded on Dime. Out of those only a few are uncirculated or even good-sounding enough to bother with. But I am going through them and will post what I can when I can. though you'll hear the mix change after the transition point.

As I said above it's decent sound quality and that's especially true compared with the other Ramones recordings that I have. Since people keep asking for more uncirculated Ramones I should say that I only have about 25 Ramones recordings at the most and maybe 10 or 15 that weren't already seeded on Dime. Out of those only a few are uncirculated or even good-sounding enough to bother with. But I am going through them and will post what I can when I can.


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(010196) Grateful Dead -1978-09-14 Cairo, Egypt FLAC

Grateful Dead 19780914 Giza, Egypt Sphinx Theatre Source: Soundboard Lineage: reel(m)(multitrack) > cass > DAT (48k) > Sony R500 ...