11 de octubre de 2023

(008658) Lynyrd Skynyrd 1992-02-22 Schwabenhalle Augsburg, GER (+ bonus track Munich) (24-bit) (FLAC)

Lynyrd Skynyrd


Augsburg, GER


source: analog audience recording

gen: master cassette

taper: mossa: Sennheiser KD 2002 microphones -> Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck -> Maxell XLII-S C-90 tapes

transfer: cassette -> Onkyo TA 2051 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWave -> TLH (flac)

digital transfer/edit by mossa 2023-0 (24-96)

01 Smokestack Lightning

02 I Know A Little

03 -> Saturday Night Special

04 The Needle And The Spoon

05 You Got That Right

06 What's Your Name

07 Keeping The Faith

08 Good Thing

09 Simple // Man

10 Whiskey Rock'n' Roller

11 Ballad Of Curtis Loew

12 That Smell

13 I've Seen Enough

14 Gimme Three Steps

15 -> Call Me The Breeze

16 -> Guitar // Jam

17 Backstreet Crawler

18 Sweet Home Alabama


19 Dale Krantz-Rossington introducing "Freebird"

20 Freebird


Johnny Van Zant- Vocals

Gary Rossington - Guitar

Ed King - Guitar

Randall Hall - Guitar

Leon Wilkeson - Bass

Billy Powell - Keyboards

Kurt Custer - Drums

Dale Krantz-Rossington - Vocals

Debbie Bailey - Vocals


- "Simple Man" cuts in middle (tape flip)

- "Guitar Jam" has a cut at very beginning (tape change)


Johnny Van Zant- Vocals

Gary Rossington - Guitar

Ed King - Guitar

Randall Hall - Guitar

Leon Wilkeson - Bass

Billy Powell - Keyboards

Kurt Custer - Drums

Dale Krantz-Rossington - Vocals

Debbie Bailey - Vocals


included in a seperate folder is the show performance of Munich 1992-02-12 at Bavaria Film Studios (aired RTL Gottschalk show):

Lynyrd Skynyrd

Bavaria Filmstudios

Gruenwald/Munich, GER


source: analog tv recording

gen: master cassette

taper: mossa

transfer: cassette -> Onkyo TA 2051 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWave -> TLH (flac)

digital transfer/edit by mossa 2023-10

01 Smokestack Lightning


- back then I was working for the studios, so it was easy going to watch the show. The date on the ticket is a misprint - the show was recorded on Feb 12th.

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