21 de noviembre de 2023

(009447) Genesis 1978-05-14 Sporthalle, Koln, Germany (FLAC)

GenesisKoln, Sporthalle, May 14th, 1978 <----------- text file mistakenly says 1979

First Copy of Analog Master RTR Tape

Digital Transfer made by CTDavies

Original Recording Equipment: Uher Report 4400 Stereo IC, AKG Microphones
Original Tapes: Shamrock 13cm Reels
Cassette Type: TDK SA-90 Chrome
Playback Tape Deck: Kenwood KX9010
Digital Recorder: Sound Devices MixPre 3
very slightly EQ'd, Edits and Click Removals: Audacity
Manual Azimuth Correction (with mono headphone output setting on the MixPre 3 - which in most cases
gives pinpoint accuracy)
No Pitch Changes!

I got this tape in the late eighties (February 1988 to be specific - I still have the correspondence),
from the late great Rolf O. from Dortmund in a Genesis tape trade, as a direct copy from his open real
masters. This is one of my favorite audience recordings ever, but Rolf was never really fond of it and
in fact he hated the concert, which is why he left early and didn't record the encore. With David Bowie
in Essen the previous night and in Cologne again the next day, he had a busy and expensive week for he
was still a school kid at the time. He could only afford Shamrock tapes for this show which is probably
why the master is a bit hissy. Also, he used two different microphones here as he was 'trying something
out', as he wrote in his letter that accompanied my tapes.
Unfortunately just after the beginning of tape two there's quite a distinct pulsating hum in one channel
which gets annyoing in the quiet bits and nearly lasts till the end of the recording. I did not attempt
to remove it.

At over 2000 years, Cologne is one of the oldest cities in Germany and just south of D¸sseldorf, where
a friendly rivalry exists between the two, which is why you can hear some Boos when Phils Collins greets
people from D¸sseldorf.
The Sporthalle was opened in 1958 for a maximum capacity of 8.000, the floorplan was very distinct with
a fixed oval bicycle racetrack that seperated the floor from the seated area. One this occasion it was
seating only and Rolf was in the sixth row from the stage, center and as he says 'right in the spot with
no noise at all', he ment from the PA. Sadly the Sporthalle was demolished in 1999 to make way for the
much larger Lanxess Arena.

On the Database this is rated as a pretty poor B-. The upper frequencies on mine still needed a very
slight boost with an equalizer and I have tried to reduce the hiss with the Audacity hiss filter (always
a tricky undertaking, which I try to avoid). As I said, one of my favorite audience recordings ever,
I'll give it a solid EX-.

Side One:
01-01 Eleventh Earl of Mar
01-02 In the Cage
01-03 Burning Rope
01-04 Ripples
01-05 Deep in The Motherlode
01-06 The Fountain of Salmacis
01-07 Down and Out
01-08 One for the Vine
01-09 Squonk
01-10 Say it's Alright, Joe
01-11 The Lady Lies (cut)

Side Two:
02-01 The Story of Romeo and Juliett
02-02 The Cinema Show -
02-03 Afterglow
02-04 Follow You, Follow Me
02-05 Dance on a Volcano -
02-06 Los Endos

This recording has not been formatted to fit CDs, as I haven't burnt one myself in the last ten years
or so. Rolf probably recorded the show on both sides of a 13cm reel (270m) at 4,75cm/s which gives
more than a 95 minute recording time per side without a flip (the Uher Report could only take 13cm
reels). I have reestablished the recording exactly as Rolfs reels were, and side one is a staggering
97 minutes long. I'm not sure if Shamrock actually did 13cm reels, maybe he used Shamrock as a synonym
for cheap quality tape.

There seems to be some confusion with counting generations on tape copies. Over the years I have come
to believe that our friends across the pond see the the master tape as the 'first generation', although
I may be wrong. For me the master tape is zero and a copy of it a 'first copy' and a copy of that a
'second copy' etc. This here is one of those first copies, but not a first generation tape - as that
would actually be the master, if that makes sense...

Feel free to share on other sites, but please leave it as it is, don't remaster and/or change anything
(not that it's worth it anyway).

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