18 de diciembre de 2023

(009664) BOB MARLEY - 1980-xx-xx Pomps and Pride Demos

Bob Marley - Pomps and Pride Demos #400412

what you are about to find here has been (to the best of my knowledge) available to only
a few people until it was finally "liberated" over at M&T for Mr. Marley's birthday

I've had my copy for little while longer so for those who finished their download at
M & T and would like to join seeding here I'm not sure if this will work - my version
does NOT come from there...it is extremely likely that they come from the same source
and might have the same track lengths (I haven't compared them yet); however, the check files might not match

anyway, these five songs have been circulating as the "Pomps and Pride Demos"

01 Pomps and Pride
02 Russian Invasion - Take 1
02 Russian Invasion - Take 2
04 Slogans - Take 1
05 Slogans - Take 2


"Pomps and Pride" and "Russian Invasion" have yet to see any official publishing

there is some speculation as to when this stuff was recorded...Stephen Davis writes in his marley biography that Bob was

preoccupied with "Slogans" while in London during the summer of the 1980 Uprising Tour...others believe that while he might
have worked on the song he did not start recording early versions until later that same year (September, Essex House, NYC)

to sum it up I guess the general consensus at this point is that this material was recorded between 1979 and 1980.

Possibly recorded at Essex House, NYC, NY in September 1980.

problems at begining of pomps and pride

sweet!!!!! get ready to space out.


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(010196) Grateful Dead -1978-09-14 Cairo, Egypt FLAC

Grateful Dead 19780914 Giza, Egypt Sphinx Theatre Source: Soundboard Lineage: reel(m)(multitrack) > cass > DAT (48k) > Sony R500 ...