14 de enero de 2023

(002755) Radiohead - July 31, 2018 &August 1st, 2018, Wells Fargo Center Philadelphia, PA (2 NIGHTS)


Radiohead - July 31, 2018

Wells Fargo Center

Philadelphia, PA


formato flac

01 Daydreaming

02 Desert Island Disk

03 Ful Stop

04 2+2=5

05 The Gloaming

06 All I Need

07 Pyramid Song

08 No Surprises

09 Airbag

10 Separator

11 Bloom

12 I Might Be Wrong

13 Talk Show Host

14 Nude

15 The Numbers

16 The National Anthem

17 Idioteque

Encore 1:

18 Decks Dark

19 A Wolf at the Door

20 Bodysnatchers

21 Feral

22 Fake Plastic Trees

Encore 2:

23 Present Tense

24 Paranoid Android

25 Street Spirit (Fade Out)


August 1st, 2018 (2018-08-01)

Wells Fargo Center

Philadelphia PA US



01. Intro

02. Daydreaming

03. Desert Island Disk

04. Ful Stop

05. 15 Step

06. Lucky

07. Kid A

08. Videotape

09. Decks Dark

10. Let Down

11. Everything in Its Right Place

12. Bloom

13. Reckoner

14. Lotus Flower

15. House of Cards

16. Optimistic

17. Idioteque

18. How to Disappear Completely

19. Encore break 1:

20. Thom Intro - Spectre

21. Thom thanks the audience, talks about final show of the tour

22. Myxomatosis

23. Exit Music (for a Film)

24. There There

25. The Tourist

26. Encore break 2:

27. The Bends

28. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi

29. Karma Police


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